Every day, roughly 32 people are killed in the United States due to drunk driving car crashes. That equals one person every 45 minutes.
For this reason, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal across all states.
If you are found guilty of committing this offense by the authorities, you could be convicted of a DUI, which will go on your driving record. This is likely to impact your car insurance rates.
In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about a DUI, and how you can save money on purchasing auto insurance if you have been convicted of one.
What Is a DUI?
DUI is an acronym that stands for ‘driving under the influence’. Other terms for this offense include:
- DWI – driving while intoxicated or impaired.
- OUI – operating under the influence.
- OWI – operating while intoxicated.
These terms all relate to the same offense, which is driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
If you are convicted of a DUI, you will face strict penalties including fines, jail time, or the suspension of your license.
This could also result in higher auto insurance rates for a few years following the conviction. The penalties that you can expect following a DUI conviction include:
- Suspension of your driver’s license.
- Jail time.
- The impoundment or confiscation of your vehicle.
- Your mandatory attendance at a DUI school.
- Alcohol or substance abuse evaluations.
- Your enrollment into alcohol or substance abuse treatment programs.
- House arrest.
- Community service.
If you get a DUI conviction, you may need to also submit an SR-22 form to the department of transport in your state to restore your driving privileges.